Namecoach is an audio name pronunciation tool used to help promote inclusivity between students, faculty, and staff. The tool integrates with enterprise technology, like Canvas and Outlook. You simply record your name pronunciation in one place and others can access the audio from any device the tool is integrated with. The tool would help faculty or students too pronunciations and pronouns for any class roster or student profile with flexible display options.
Namecoach could help instructors:
- Create a welcoming environment for students to show up and learn as their whole selves
- Build a sense of belonging and community
- Strengthen relationship building
- Foster inclusion
- Support student identity development
Namecoach allows students, faculty, and staff to build a profile across all integrated systems to provide accurate name pronunciation and pronouns. This process allows peers and instructors to learn the correct pronunciation of student’s names, which can be referenced at any time during the term. Namecoach has the ability to make a huge impact on students whose names are often mispronounced as well as students who are often misgendered.
- Users can record their name pronunciation directly into the software to be accessed by their peers, teachers, and administrators
- Users can create a name badge to help people say their name correctly and learn more about their names meaning and background.
- Users can include their pronouns in their profile
- Changes can be made at any time and will update across all integrated platforms
3.5 Star –
Namecoach ranks 3.5/5 stars for accessibility. To learn more about the accessibility review, contact otl@du.edu.
- NVDA can partially access content, there are many images and design elements that do not have alternate text.
- User can navigate without the use of a mouse
- Content can be magnified, and the web portal is also has responsive design.
- A vpat is provided, however, there is no specific accessibility support or contact information.
Learn more about the Story Behind Namecoach
Priester, C. (2020). Accepting Me for Who I Am Begins with My Name. Namecoach Blog
My Name, My Identity
This technology is not included with the University of Denver. Faculty, staff, and students may need to purchase a subscription. The technology may offer educational pricing with an “.edu” email address. Free trials or free accounts may also be available through the technology website.
The University of Denver does not directly provide technical support. The Office of Teaching and Learning may consult on pedagogy.
Han, E. H. (2020). What to learn from pandemic teaching? Our student’s names. Journal of Legal Education. 69(3).
Kohli, R., Solorzano, D. G. (2012). Teachers, please learn our names! Racial microaggressions and the k-12 classroom. Race, Ethnicity, and Education. 15(4) 441-462. https://doi.org/10.1080/13613324.2012.674026
Sutton, H. (2016). Being a truly inclusive campus starts with student identity. Wiley Online Library. 17(9) 6-7. https://doi.org/10.1002/dap.30187

OTL Technology Rating
YELLOW technologies are not widely supported. DU may or may not have a 3rd party vendor security agreement for the use of these tools. However, some uses of this tool may be appropriate for teaching if certain conditions are met.