Quizlet is a web tool and a mobile app that boosts students learning through several study tools that include flashcards and game-based quizzes. You can either design your own study sets from scratch or search for pre-made sets to customize and use in your teaching. Quizlet takes information and converts it into flashcards, quizzes, and games, so that users can study the same information in a variety of forms.
Website: Quizlet
- Flashcards – Flashcards are typically two-sided, with the prompt on one side and the information about the prompt on the other.
- Quizlet Learn – Learn puts questions and answers into multiple choice-style quizzes that can be completed to get an overall result. This applies to images, too. Students can create a study set and tell Quizlet when they need to know the material, and Quizlet Learn will show an adaptive plan that charts progress, helping students stay motivated with encouraging checkpoints with helpful study reminders.
- Spell – Spell will speak aloud a word and the student is then required to type out the spelling of it.
- Test – Test is an auto-generated mix of questions with written, multiple choice, and true-or-false answer options.
- Match – Match pairs up correct words or a mix of words and images.
- Gravity – Gravity is a game that has asteroids with words coming at a planet you need to protect by typing out the words before they hit.
- Live – Live is a game mode that allows for multiple students to work collaboratively.
Quizlet features study sets, each one being like a deck of flash cards. It’s also interactive, with the ability to create your own study set, or clone and edit those of others.
- Flashcards
- Diagrams
- Adaptive study programs
- Reminders to focus
- Mobile application
3 Star –
Quizlet ranks 3/5 stars for accessibility. To learn more about the accessibility review, contact otl@du.edu.
- Supports Text to Speech (TTS) such as NVDA, Jaws, or Voiceover
- Partially Supports Speech to Text (STT) such as Dragon NaturallySpeaking or Voice Dictation
- Supports Screen Magnification and Color Contrast
- Supports Alternative Input Experience/Keyboard Navigation
This technology is not included with the University of Denver. Faculty, staff, and students may need to purchase a subscription. The technology may offer educational pricing with an “edu” email address. Free trials or free accounts may also be available through the technology website.
The University of Denver does not directly provide technical support. The Office of Teaching and Learning may consult on pedagogy.
Hans Platzer. (2020). The Role of Quizlet in Vocabulary Acquisition. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 17(2), 421–.
Jescintha. (2021). Vocabulary Development in College Students Using Quizlet Digital Flashcards – A Study. Language in India, 21(10), 195–.

OTL Technology Rating
YELLOW technologies are not widely supported. DU may or may not have a 3rd party vendor security agreement for the use of these tools. However, some uses of this tool may be appropriate for teaching if certain conditions are met.