Thinglink is a digital annotation platform designed to turn any image into an interactive experience. It allows users to add clickable “hotspot” tags directly onto images, video, and 360 VR experiences. Students and instructors can post tags directly over the image or video, creating a collaborative space to work, learn, and create. These tags then display text, images, social media pages, video, and links, providing an information overlay that adds depth and makes connections between different types of digital information. Using tags over images allows students the opportunity to explore supplementary information and interact with different types of digital media all from one base image.
Homepage: https://www.thinglink.com/en-us/
Thinglink uses “hotspot” tags to add supplemental information to images, videos, and 360 VR experiences. Tags can be used to add depth to images or videos by layering information, making a useful tool for both instructors and students. There are lots of ways to use Thinglink, including:
- Use Thinglink to create layered introductory posts where you upload an image of yourself and create tags linking to relevant digital information or interests
- Have students add information to an image or video, displaying their knowledge about the topic
- Take students on virtual tours or complete virtual labs by adding tags to a video or 360 image, allowing them a more immersive virtual experience
- Create simulation experiences, allowing students to virtually experience places, events, and more, giving them a chance to prepare for these experiences before experiencing them in real life
- Create a collaborative map or diagram by having students add tags to an image or map
- Create interactive infographics overviewing a topic, with tags in places where students can dive deeper into specific topics
For more ways to use Thinglink, check out these ideas!
Thinglink’s main functionality is tagging images and videos with interactive tags that contain information
- Tags can include links, images, audio, and video.
- Thinglink can be integrated with other tech tools, like Google classroom, Moodle, Canva, and certain LMS’
- Content can be uploaded directly to Thinglink and be added as a base image or as a tag. However, there are some specifications for supported file types. Additionally, images from the web can be added as a base image or tag by using the image’s URL.
- Students need to be invited by instructors to join Thinglink and must set up an account before posting.
5 Star –
Meets or exceeds the Office of Teaching and Learning accessibility standards.
Accessibility Review: 5 Stars
- Supports Text to Speech (TTS) such as NVDA, Jaws, or Voiceover
- Supports Speech to Text (STT) such as Dragon
- NaturallySpeaking or Voice Dictation
- Supports Alternative Input
- Experience/Keyboard Navigation
- Supports Screen Magnification and Color Contrast
- Has an accessibility statement, contact support personnel, and a product team that can enhance accessibility
“This technology is not included with the University of Denver. Faculty, staff, and students may need to purchase a subscription. The technology may offer educational pricing with an “.edu” email address. Free trials or free accounts may also be available through the technology website.
- The University of Denver does not directly provide technical support. The Office of Teaching and Learning may consult on pedagogy.
- Thinglink support: https://support.thinglink.com/hc/en-us
Batista, Souza, M. M. P., Barros, T. D., Gupta, N., & Reis, M. J. C. S. (2022). Using the ThingLink Computer tool to Create a Meaningful Environmental Learning Scenario. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities, 173457–. https://doi.org/10.4108/eai.21-2-2022.173457
Nakatsuka, Karalee. (2018). Making History Come to Life: ThingLink Virtual Museums. Social Studies Review Vol. 57, 47–52. https://du.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www-proquest-com.du.idm.oclc.org/scholarly-journals/making-history-come-life-thinglink-virtual/docview/2344260092/se-2?accountid=14608

OTL Technology Rating
YELLOW technologies are not widely supported. DU may or may not have a 3rd party vendor security agreement for the use of these tools. However, some uses of this tool may be appropriate for teaching if certain conditions are met.