If you would like your students to submit an assignment using Turnitin:
1. In your Canvas course, click Assignments in the Course Navigation menu.
2. Click Add assignment or edit an assignment you have already created.
3. Enter the assignment title, point value, and other relevant information. Read more about creating and editing assignments.
4. In the Submission Type menu, select Online and check the box next to File Uploads.
5. Under Plagiarism Review, choose Turnitin.
6. Choose your desired settings based on the Turnitin options provided. Click Save as default settings to preserve your settings for future Turnitin assignments.
7. Click Save and Publish.
Video Tutorials
See the videos below for a step-by-step walkthrough of using Turnitin in Canvas.
1. Create a Turnitin Assignment (video tutorial)
2. Access Turnitin Similarity Reports (video tutorial)
3. View Turnitin Similarity Reports (video tutorial)