Kurzweil 3000 is a comprehensive reading, writing, and learning software solution to assist individuals with learning differences, phonological processing, awareness, vocabulary development, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. Kurzweil supports all areas of reading, fluency, word attack, vocabulary development, and comprehension while allowing the student to choose the text. It allows users to read the web, PDFs, e-books, and their own writing. Users can set the speed, how the program will track words or phrases as it reads, and a wide variety of languages, voices and accents to choose from. As the program reads, users can access dictionaries to explain words or provide a picture of a word. The annotation tools allow the user to highlight and color-code, write sticky notes, and circle text. These notes can be pulled out and organized to help review for a test or write an essay.
Login Website: Kurzweil
All DU students, staff and faculty should use the “Sign in with Microsoft” option.
Kurzweil is available to all students, staff, and faculty at the University of Denver. One of the benefits for instructors is testing accessibility with a screen reader with Kurzweil. The support offered for students by Kurzweil can make a significant difference in the academic outcomes of students with disabilities at the postsecondary level. Reading, vocabulary and writing skills are all prerequisite skills for success at the college level and are directly supported by Kurzweil. Kurzweil helps learners to actively engage in the learning process and take ownership of the higher education experience. For a full list of features, go to the Kurzweil website.
- Kurzweil 3000 allows struggling postsecondary readers to focus on understanding the text and further facilitate comprehension.
- Students can take notes in the margin to restate an idea or to insert additional information.
- Students can create outlines or flashcards from highlighted text and locate specific text sections.
- Students can use text or sticky notes to jot down information while reading and highlight critical information to turn into an outline for further study.
- Students can use voice notes to express more complex ideas in their own words.
- Using the spelling tool, dictionary, or word prediction tool as needed • Auditory reading of written text so students can proofread for content and spelling.
Kurzweil offers many functions for web-based and computer reading and comprehension assistance. For a full list of features, go to the features list on the Kurzweil website.
- 31 Natural Text-to-Speech voices in over 18 languages and dialects.
- Customizable reading rate and presentation.
- Magnify text for learners with visual impairments.
- Keyboard shortcuts.
- Read text in Word, PDF, EPUB, RTF, Daisy, and on the Web.
- Read locked text in PDFs and images, exactly as they appear.
- Create MP3 files and add to iTunes Playlist.
- Read aloud basic math with talking calculator.
4.5 Star –
Kurzweil ranks 4.5/5 stars for accessibility. To learn more about the accessibility review, contact otl@du.edu.
- Supports Text to Speech (TTS) such as NVDA, Jaws, or Voiceover
- Partially Supports Speech to Text (STT) such as DragonSpeaks or Voice Dictation
- Supports Alternative Input Experience/Keyboard Navigation
- Supports Screen Magnification and Color Contrast
- Strong Dedication to Accessibility and Content Creator Experience
As a faculty member, please reach out to the Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) for the direct faculty link. If you would like to share with your students, please have them email otl@du.edu.
To learn more about Kurzweil3000, visit the Kurzweil3000 Academy or schedule a meeting with the OTL Accessibility Technologist.
This technology is included with the University of Denver and there is no cost for DU students, faculty, and staff.
Kurzweil Education supports learners at all stages of literacy, from English Language Learners and students with diverse learning styles to students with learning differences, learning disabilities, or visual impairments. Research studies show the impact on student learning.

OTL Technology Rating
BLUE technologies have cleared the rigorous DU technology review process, obtained a FERPA agreement, and DU has accepted the liability for the use of these tools.