UDOIT Accessibility is a course-wide accessibility checker integrated with Canvas from CIDI Labs. UDOIT (pronounced “You Do It”) stands for the Universal Design Online Inspection Tool. This exciting new tool scans your Canvas course, generates a report of accessibility issues that could impact students ability to learn, and provides resources and suggestions for addressing the issues. […]
Category: Canvas Accessibility
What is UDOIT Accessibility?
UDOIT Accessibility is a course-wide accessibility checker integrated with Canvas from CIDI Labs. This exciting tool scans your Canvas course, generates a report of accessibility issues that could impact students ability to learn, and provides resources and suggestions for addressing the issues. UDOIT Accessibility Resources To access UDOIT Accessibility, you need to access the tool […]
Cross Campus Partners Addressing Accessibility
Last updated: November 11, 2024 A quick guide for faculty regarding digital accessibility and accommodations. This article covers: Accessibility Highlights Introduction Need to Know Contacts Bookstore Deadlines for Bookstore Student Disability Services Library Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) ADA Coordinator and the Office of Equal Opportunity Accessibility Highlights: Submit your textbooks to the DU […]
Providing DSP Testing Information
Do you have students testing in the Disability Services Program (DSP) Testing Center? The clip below is a quick tutorial that shows how faculty can provide testing information for students testing in the DSP Testing Center through the DSP Faculty Accommodate Portal. Steps to Provide DSP Testing Information: Step 1. Login to the Faculty Accommodate […]
Canvas: Student Accommodations with New Quizzes
While the official campus-wide deployment at DU is scheduled for December 1, 2021, faculty can enable the New Quizzes functionality in their individual course settings effective immediately. Learn more about New Quizzes v. Classic Quizzes in this feature comparison article. You can add accommodations for a student in New Quizzes. Accommodation settings include adding or […]
Canvas Accessibility Checklist
While Student Disability Services (SDS) approves academic and non-academic accommodations associated with a student’s disability, medical and mental health condition, faculty are legally responsible for administering many accommodations within the classroom. The OTL and SDS are here to help support faculty and facilitate this process. Throughout this article, you can find our accessibility checklist for designing, building and […]
How do I set up an alternative test time for Canvas quizzes?
An alternative test time is a time that has a different start or end time than the rest of the class. This can be a helpful strategy when working through student accommodations with exam time and/or if specific students need to take the exam on a different date/time then the rest of the class. You […]
How do I allow extra time for student accommodations on Canvas quizzes?
These directions will allow you to comply with the additional time requirements that students may need as part of their academic accommodations determined by the Disability Services Program. Step 1. Click into your Canvas course. Step 2. Select Quizzes from the left-side navigation menu. Step 3. Open the Quiz whose time you want to adjust […]