Adding or Removing Content Blocks Using Design Tools in Canvas

Content blocks are organized sections that you can add text, images, video, and lists to the block. Template themes are also created to style content blocks. 

Note: To avoid breaking the HTML codes that are embedded in content blocks remove content blocks from the Design Tools rather than in the Rich Editor in Canvas. Editing text within the content blocks is accomplished through the Canvas Rich Editor. For more information about editing content, please review the article “How to Edit Content Blocks“. 

To add a content block, follow these steps:

  1. Open the page for editing in Canvas.
  2. Launch Design Tools.
  3. Click Add/Rearrange Content Blocks.
  4. In the Add Block drop-down, click the content block(s)that you want to add.
  5. Place your cursor in the list of content blocks and then drag and drop the block to its new position. 
  6. To delete a block click the red x
  7. On the content page, click Save.  

Add/Rearrange Content Blocks

The following image shows you the list of options with the arrow pointing to the Add/Rearrange Content Blocks dropdown menu. 

add rearrange blocks.png 

The following image shows you an example of two content blocks selected “Resources” and “To do”. The red X appears if you want to delete the blocks selected. To choose blocks, click the green plus sign. 

Click the green + to add content blocks

Click the red X to remove content blocks.

add blocks.png

The following image shows where to place your mouse to drag the content blocks up or down. 

Place your cursor to the left of the title of the content block you want to move up or down. Hold and drag into position. 

Move Blocks.png

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