Instructors can embed or link a copy of a Microsoft OneDrive file (such as Word, PowerPoint, or Excel) anywhere they can use Canvas’s Rich Content Editor (RCE), including Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, and Syllabus.

Step 1: Open the place in Canvas where you would like to embed or link a OneDrive file. For the purposes of this example, we’re using an Assignment to show you this process.

Step 2: In the RCE, select the plug (apps) icon. If OneDrive does not show up at first, select “view all” to select “Microsoft OneDrive.”

Accessing OneDrive from the Rich Content Editor


Step 3: Once you select Microsoft OneDrive, a pop-up window will appear that shows your OneDrive files. The first time you use this feature, you may need to sign in to OneDrive.

OneDrive Pop-Up Window


Step 4: Now, select the file that you want to embed or link. Embedding the file will create an iframe within the Assignment that allows students to view the file (students can also download a copy of the file, print to pdf, use immersive reader, and more). Linking a file will create a hyperlink within the assignment that students can click on to open the file.

Select OneDrive file

Important: Embedding or linking a file from OneDrive creates a one-time copy of that document in the location it is embedded or linked (Announcements, Assignments etc.), and is accessible from that location only, while the original file is still located in OneDrive. If changes need to be made to the embedded or linked document, you must re-link or re-embed the file.