Several features in Canvas support the New Rich Content Editor, including Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, and Syllabus. You can type text and you can copy and paste text from other sources into the New Rich Content Editor. The New Rich Content Editor also includes several formatting tools that allow you to modify your text. See the Canvas Guides for information about the New Rich Content Editor.
Add or remove content blocks and syllabus blocks through the Cidi Labs DesignPlus tools and not the Canvas Rich Editor. Deleting the full content block may break the HTML codes embedded within the block.
The following image shows the Canvas Content editor and the Design Tools bar. To remove a content block (e.g. Introduction), click the red x in the Design Tools bar, and the entire content block section (and the text within it) will be removed.
For more information about editing content blocks, please review the article “How to Add and Remove Content Blocks“.
Edit banner text through the Cidi Labs DesignPlus tools and not the Canvas Rich Editor. Editing within the banner may break the HTML codes embedded within the block.
The following image shows a banner on a page and the Design Tools Bar to the right. Edit, add, and remove the text with the Design Tools. There are five content boxes (Unit Name, Unit Number, Content Title, Content Subtitle, and Description.) Add or remove text on the banner in the content boxes. Add/Delete the text within the content boxes from the Design Tools bar.
For additional support, visit the Cidi Labs Support Course or email