According to Respondus:

LockDown Browser is a client-based application that “locks down” a computer or device during an online exam delivered on a third-party assessment platform, such as a Learning Management System (LMS), in DU’s case, Canvas.

LockDown Browser doesn’t require users (e.g. instructors, students) to create an account, and in most situations, personal information isn’t gathered or processed by Respondus.

However, there are two cases where LockDown Browser may process personal information. The first is if the user chooses to use “Help Center” to troubleshoot a technical issue with LockDown Browser, such as internet connectivity.

A second situation where LockDown Browser may process personal information is when the “early exit” feature is used by a student to terminate an assessment before it is completed. The student is prompted to give a reason for terminating the session early, which is then available to the instructor for review. Respondus stores the username (obtained via an API from the LMS) and the reason provided by the user for early termination. Respondus makes no other use of this personal information.

Respondus Monitor is a companion product for LockDown Browser that enables students to record themselves with a webcam and microphone during an online exam. The recordings and other data from the exam session are processed automatically; summary information is provided to the instructor, such as if the student left the video frame during the exam session.

A variety of data are automatically processed during an exam session that uses Respondus Monitor. The webcam recording itself goes through an automated “post-processing” step that utilizes facial detection and facial recognition technology to determine: whether the student remained in the video frame, if multiple people appear in the video frame, if the person in the video frame differs from the person who started the exam, and the position of the user’s face relative to the webcam recording device.

Respondus Monitor processes other data from the exam session, such as: the date and time the user starts and completes an exam session; the time that each exam question is answered; how much time is spent on each exam question; if/when an answer to an exam question is changed; the quality of the user’s internet connection during the exam session (including the time and duration of any internet disconnections); mouse, keyboard and screen activity; the quality of the video recording (in terms of lighting, contrast, movement); and the quality of the audio recording, among other data.

Additional Respondus Privacy Resources

Respondus Monitor privacy information:

Respondus Institutional Terms of Use-Respondus Monitor:

Respondus Student Terms of Use-Respondus Monitor:

Respondus LockDown Browser privacy information:

Respondus Terms of Use-LockDown Browser:

For additional information on Respondus products and data privacy, please visit:

For Respondus’ specific Privacy Policy, please visit: