Zoom allows you to share your desktop, tablet, document camera, or web camera. The meeting host can screen share by clicking on the Share Screen icon.
For directions specific to screen sharing on a Mac or Windows computer, please see the “How Do I Share My Screen?” article from Zoom.

Can my students share their screen in my ZOOM meeting?
Yes, students can share their screen but recent security precautions now requires that the meeting host (Canvas instructor) grant them permission to share their screen. There are 3 ways to do this:
Option 1: During your ZOOM meeting, go to Share Screen -> Advanced Sharing Options -> Select All Participants.

Option 2: During your ZOOM meeting, make one of your participants a Co-Host.

Option 3: If you wish to modify this security feature, go to http://udenver.zoom.us -> Settings -> Screen Sharing -> Select All Participants.