All DU Canvas courses have built-in Zoom integration. Please take a look at this ZOOM - Canvas Resource Guide.
Attention: As of March 23, 2022, all Zoom Cloud recordings will be sent to the Zoom meeting hosts DU MediaSpace and Canvas My Media account. To help keep your Zoom meetings well organized, we recommend using the “Canvas Zoom Scheduling” tool. Avoid using your Zoom Personal Meeting ID for class meetings that are being recorded.
This article covers:
- Zoom Meeting Scheduler within Canvas
- Zoom Meeting Scheduler within Canvas provides students with
- Accessing Zoom within Canvas
- Canvas Zoom Tech Tips
- Download Zoom and use SSO
- Teaching with ZOOM – Recorded webinar with Professor McQueen
Zoom Meeting Scheduler within Canvas allows:
- Schedule recurring class ZOOM meetings for each Canvas course
- Access to Zoom class attendance and poll reports
- Starting ZOOM meetings within a Canvas course
- Organization of all recurring meetings and recordings
- Canvas ZOOM meetings get posted on the students Canvas calendar
- Helps keep your Zoom recordings well organized within your Canvas My Media page

Zoom Meeting Scheduler within Canvas provides students with:
- Canvas ZOOM meetings get posted on the student Canvas calendar
- A standard way for accessing Zoom class meetings for each class
- Easy access to class recordings
- Scheduling their own Zoom class group meetings
Accessing Zoom within Canvas
By default, Zoom is located on the Canvas course menu list near the bottom. As the instructor, you can move the Zoom link to the top of the menu by going to your Canvas course Settings page, click the Navigation tab and adjusting the display order.
Instructor View

Student View
Students can enter their Canvas course and click ZOOM and then click the Join button.

Canvas Zoom Tech Tips
The following video covers several technical tips for Zoom meetings.
Download Zoom and use SSO
Download the ZOOM software and make sure you sign in using SSO ( and password):

Our company ZOOM domain is “udenver”.

The next page will display the DU login form. Please type in your DU email ( and password.

Verify that your DU ZOOM account is working by clicking the profile button on the top right. You should see your DU email address. If not, click Switch Account, this will clear your previous ZOOM login activity.
