Overview Video of Kaltura Personal Capture
Kaltura Capture is a program that makes it easy for users to create and upload videos to Kaltura through Canvas or MediaSpace. This software available for Windows or Mac.
Kaltura Capture is available to all current faculty, staff, and students in Canvas (My Media).
To record your video using Kaltura Capture in Canvas, go to My Media and click Add New and select Kaltura Capture.
If you haven’t installed Kaltura Capture on your computer, you will be asked to select your operating system, Windows or Mac. You only need to download and install it once but you will see this window each time. We highly recommend that you access the tool in this way, as opposed to using a desktop shortcut to the application.
Using Kaltura Capture
This is the Kaltura Capture tool below. You can record from your desktop screen, webcam, and microphone.
You can mute any of the sources by clicking on the icon. The icon will turn gray and have a slash through it when it is muted.
To choose from multiple source options, select the arrow to the right of the icon.
Press the big red button to start recording, you will see a 3-second countdown. It’s recommended that you do a 30-second test recording first to make sure the audio and video sources are correct.
The average instructional video should be 5-10 minutes long to help your student take engaged with the content. Creating longer videos can be difficult to upload from slower Internet locations.
A local copy is saved by default, and you can play the recording back before you save and upload it.
If you are using PowerPoint presentation, Kaltura Capture will capture thumbnail images of each slide and add them as time-based interactive markers to your presentation. Kaltura will also parse the slide show for keywords and make them searchable.
After you stop and save your recording, you will see a screen that allows you to Save and Upload or Delete your presentation.
The graphic below shows your recording library. You can also control some caption settings from this window.
After a few minutes of processing, your recording will be able in your Canvas My Media section.
Notes on Devices
- It is possible to use a USB document camera such as the IPEVO Ziggi HD Plus. You must select it as a camera source and we recommend setting the camera to 720p.
- Personal Capture is only available for Windows and Mac full operating systems.
- This application will not work in iOS. However, iOS 11 has a new screen recording feature that you can upload into Kaltura My Media.
How to Screen Record On iPad