Engage with your peers to learn about innovative teaching in a variety of single day to one-week formats.

Course Design Institute

A week-long, immersive experience focused on course activities, assessments, and resources to support student achievement and foster an inclusive learning environment.

Faculty Showcase Series

Share and learn best practice in teaching by showcasing innovative and effective teaching methods and concrete examples here at DU, while also providing a forum for faculty to gain feedback on challenging and/or new practices.

Hybrid 3D Workshop

A targeted, intensive workshop focusing on teaching hybrid courses using online and in-person best practices in teaching and learning.

47% of DU faculty have benefitted from workshops offered by the OTL

Workshop Archives

Visit our workshops archive page for materials, handouts, and resources from past workshops.

From our participants:

“Hard to just name one thing; there were lots of good ideas. Many useful tips on presentation content and delivery, great info on info processing, importance of prior knowledge, etc.”

“I liked using Canvas…especially the notifications when something had changed in “class.” The speed grader was wonderful and cut the feedback/grading time substantially.”

“Specific suggestions for how students can translate concepts to skills mastery.”

How can I learn more?

Visit our events calendar for a list of current workshops.

View our list of workshops that the OTL can customize and offer to your department or unit.