University of Denver

Our Mission

To support faculty in the advancement of transformative, inclusive, and impactful teaching and learning across all disciplines and modalities to actualize DU’s educational promise to all students. 

We do this by… 

  • Advancing campus-wide strategic goals in the domains of pedagogy, inclusive praxis, SoTL, faculty development, and educational technology.  
  • Designing, implementing and assessing cutting-edge signature programs including workshops, institutes, Faculty Learning Communities, programs, teaching development initiatives, and instructional design supports responsible to the emerging demands of the educational landscape.  
  • Advancing local and national conversations on evidenced-informed best practices through scholarly works and novel, open-access synchronous and asynchronous resources. 
  • Fostering and nurturing ongoing and sustainable collaborative relationships among diverse stakeholders (i.e. colleges, departments, units, and other).  
  • Educational technology software management and responsive pedagogical support.  
  • Providing expertise on best practices to foster innovation, Universal Design for Learning, and equal access in the classroom. 
  • Acting as a catalyst for positive change in transformative inclusive teaching practices.  
  • Leveraging instructional design expertise in metacognitive processes for teaching and learning to co-develop curriculum, course design, classroom management, and assessment. 

The Office of Teaching and Learning supports the strategic imperatives distilled from Impact 2025.

  • One: Ensure a bold, sustainable future for the next generation through our financial, reputational, and operational practices.
    The OTL supports the development and retention of faculty, equipping them to engage in cutting edge educational practices.


  • Two: Create a unique global, holistic, ‘4D’ student experience.
    Any curricular innovation should include robust faculty development. Our office supports faculty as they innovate in the classroom to deliver the 4D experience through
    High Impact Practices such as the use of ePortfolios.


  • Three: Cultivate an exceptionally diverse, inclusive, equitable and welcoming community.
    DU’s commitment to DEI efforts is embedded in many areas of the university. The OTL is unique in that our programming supports changes to practice that lead to
    more inclusive classrooms.


  • Four: Define and model a global, engaged research university.
    The OTL facilitates DU’s commitment to the teacher-scholar model by cultivating a culture of life-long learning and the practice of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.


  • Five: Ensure academic excellence with a signature portfolio of academic program and a relentless  pursuit of quality.
    The OTL is a critical partner for excellence in the online hybrid, and hyflex classroom