The OTL has gathered resources, ideas, and best practices about some of the most common teaching topics and methods. If you would like further information or do not find your questions answered here, please contact us. DESIGNING A COURSEWriting learning outcomesCreating a syllabusSample syllabus policy statementsFirst day of classMotivating students to come to class preparedUsing Images for InstructionUsing Videos for InstructionAccessibility and Universal Design for LearningGeneral Accessibility Design Guidelines for Canvas ContentCourse Design RepositoryDU Teaching Tool KitENGAGING WITH STUDENTSCreating self-directed learnersCreating an inclusive classroomRequests for accommodationsMobile devices in the classroomThe multitasking studentTeaching international studentsCross cultural communication tipsManaging difficult teaching situationsDU Teaching and Learning VideosTEACHING METHODSDiscussionsPresentations/LecturesGroups and teamsBuilding skillsAssignment/Exam wrappersAssessing student learningAssessing learning effectivelyDeveloping rubricsManaging gradingPromoting academic integrityPeer Teaching Mentor resourcesAlternatives to the Traditional Exam as Measures of Student Learning Outcomes Online EducationOnline Teaching and Learning GlossaryKeep Learning Remotely – Resources for Online StudentsOnline Student Readiness Self-AssessmentCourse Design RepositoryAdvancing your teaching practiceGathering student feedback on teachingTeaching Conference and Journal DirectoryEvaluating Teaching Excellence ToolkitWriting a Philosophy of TeachingCreating a teaching portfolioVideo recordings from past DU Teaching ConferencesTeaching-related FAQsWhere can I find the Academic Calendar?How do I obtain student permission for sharing student work? DownloadWhat is PioneerWeb?How do I get my DU email?How do I get my DU password?How do I submit book orders, course packets, or e-reserves? (One-Stop Course Materials Guide)What is FERPA?What do I need to know about FERPA?How do I submit grades? How do I change grades?Inclusive Teaching PracticesGlobal Intercultural Pedagogy Spiritual and Religious DiversitySexual Orientation and Gender IdentityInclusive ExcellenceInclusive PedagogyIntersectional PedagogyNative American PedagogiesUniversal Design for LearningThe Community of Inquiry ModelInclusive AssessmentOtherFaculty Affinity GroupsEd-Tech Knowledge Base