AI writing tools such as ChatGPT create text responses that are meant to simulate human responses in a variety of styles and formats. They work by sifting through terabytes of available data and using algorithms to pull words to create responses. ChatGPT is currently the most well-known, but Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, and more are all working on or have already released similar AI programs. Though AI writing and data is not always accurate and has limitations, you and your students may find ways to use it that can positively support your work: It can help students get started on an assignment by providing ideas for how to structure their writing. It can help you get a jump start on research by listing sources that you can then explore more thoroughly. For those learning English, these tools can provide language that they can adapt to express their ideas. You can even use AI to help with tasks such as writing syllabi and assignment prompts.
In this web page, you can learn more about how AI is being used at DU and resources for incorporating and navigating AI usage in your classroom.
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AI Tools
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