About Digication

In addition to being a space for students to reflect on their learning, ePortfolios are a rich source of course and programmatic assessment. Within Digication, faculty have a variety of ways to provide feedback and summative grades that integrate with Canvas.
Pedagogical Resources
ePortfolios are considered a High-Impact Practice (HIP) by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). HIPs are defined by the AAC&U as teaching and learning practices that “have significant educational benefit for students who participate in them–including and especially those from demographic groups historically underserved by higher education.” ePortfolios are considered high-impact because they facilitate reflective thinking, help students make connections within courses across their educational experiences, support student ownership over their own learning through the collection and selection of artifacts that represent their growth, enable personalized feedback and assessment, and allow for diverse forms of expression, among others.
For more guidance on developing high-impact, effective ePortfolio assignments, check out the following resources:
Troubleshooting Resources
For help figuring out how to use Digication, check out the Digication Faculty and Student Guides. These comprehensive guides contain step-by-step instructions and are the best place to start for both faculty and students. You can also submit a ticket for help with the Digication Help Desk. Additionally, there are some technical and troubleshooting articles for Digication Kora available in the IT Knowledge Base.
Frequently Asked Questions
First, log in and explore Digication!
Second, check out some resources (in addition to those listed above) that can help you understand ePortfolios and why they can be such an impactful practice.
- AAC&U: ePortfolios
- Digication resource: ePortfolio Pedagogy at the Course Level
- Digication resource: How Digication is Used by Schools
- High-Impact Practices at DU
- Learning Portfolios with Professor Laura Sponsler
The OTL supports faculty in using Digication. For student support, check out Digication’s Student Guide. If students are experiencing login issues, they should contact the IT Help Desk. Finally, faculty should be prepared to help students as they assign ePortfolio work. The Supporting Students with Digication resource can help faculty prepare for issues their students might encounter as they get started with Digication.
The OTL has sample syllabus statements for a variety of topics, including Digication. You can find language about Digication under the “Digication Access” tab. Feel free to copy and paste into your own syllabus.
Here are some sample ePortfolios provided by Digication. Or, check out some examples of ePortfolios created by DU students:
Digication Kora is the updated version of Digication that is currently integrated with Canvas. Digication Kora has some different features that Digication Classic, which was the first version of Digication available to DU users. Notably, Digication Kora contains an Assignments feature that allows faculty to assign and grade sections of the ePortolio based on prompts and templates designed for the course. Numerical scores given to assignments in Digication are then able to sync with the Canvas grade book.
If you were an early adopter of Digication and know you used Digication Classic to create any ePortfolios or templates, you are still able to access this content from the Dashboard widget titled “Digication Classic”. If you began using Digication after Kora was enabled, you will not experience any changes.
If you are experiencing issues with students unable to find your course in Digication, grade book sync, or accessing feedback, please review the following notes:
- Students must enter Digication Kora from your Canvas course to link their Canvas course with Digication.
- The grade book sync occurs from Digication to Canvas, not from Canvas to Digication.
- Written feedback can be given within Digication, but only the numerical score will sync with the Canvas grade book. Students must access written feedback through Digication.
Digication contains some accessibility features and are currently working on updating accessibility within the platform. To stay up to date with recent accessibility updates, check out the following links:
Administrator Guide: Accessibility
For more information on how to create accessible content in Digication, check out our Accessibility Tips for ePortfolios page.
Digication has replaced DU Portfolio as the University of Denver’s ePortfolio platform.
- DU Portfolio was a homegrown system that was built by the Office of Teaching and Learning around 2003. The original developers are no longer affiliated with the university and the system is currently in a support only phase. This means that we are unable to provide significant updates to the system, limiting user experience and necessary maintenance.
- DU Portfolio will be fully decommissioned by June 30, 2024. The ability to create new ePortfolios or update existing ePortfolios in DU Portfolio was disabled starting July 1, 2023.
- For more information, please visit the DU Portfolio page on the IT website.
To request a specific training, please contact Kellie Ferguson, the OTL’s Faculty Developer of Integrative and Experiential Learning at kellie.ferguson@du.edu, or book an appointment here.
Stay Up to Date with Digication

Connecting the Dots with ePortfolios Part 4: Using ePortfolios for Programmatic Assessment
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Connecting the Dots with ePortfolios Part 3: Using ePortfolios for Summative Assessments
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