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What is an ePortfolio?

An ePortfolio is a personal website that showcases skills, experiences, and knowledge to an outside audience, such as graduate schools or potential employers. ePortfolios are websites that include the following: 

  • Consistent Message — A common theme that connects students’ experiences, often referred to as a personal brand 
  • Artifacts — Evidence of relevant experiences, such as an image, document, or video 
  • Reflection — Written content that contextualizes the significance of the artifact and experience for a professional audience 

Why are ePortfolios Useful?

ePortfolios are a valuable tool to develop skills like critical thinking and communication as well as a platform to display these skills to an external audience. 

  • The process of creating an ePortfolio includes gathering evidence and reflecting on curricular and co-curricular experiences.  
  • Drawing connections between experiences and describing their value will prepare students for networking, applications questions, and interview situations.  
  • Faculty can use ePortfolios for formal and informal assessment to inform curricular revisions 

How to Get Started?

To get started with an ePortfolio, follow the steps below. 

  • Determine where the ePortfolio fits within course content and current assignments. 
  • Revise or create assignments that lend themselves to artifacts for an ePortfolio. 
  • Show students how to archive their work through a logical and accessible process. This includes using consistent file names and gathering evidence. For example, students may create a folder for each course where they save final projects and reflections, naming the files LastName.ProjectName.Date. 

What if I Need Support?

The OTL is available to support you! Reach out to today!