Required Use of Canvas and Contingency Ready Courses
Per the fall 2021 COVID class policies, using our Learning Management System (LMS; Canvas) is required so that critical course materials are available to students. Though assignment submission isn’t explicitly required, the OTL strongly recommends the use of our LMS for assignment submission and the gradebook. See for information about:
This course has been designed to transition online, should the need arise due to tightening local, state, or federal guidelines or campus closure. To that end, Canvas [other LMS, if applicable] will be utilized to support this course. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the Canvas container for this course as soon as the term begins.
If you are isolating, you can access course materials and complete course work by [as outlined by faculty member].
The following will be available in our Canvas course [edit as necessary]:
- the course syllabus
- handouts
- readings
- assignment instructions
- quizzes
- exams
- discussions
- pre-recorded video lectures
Updates that affect the delivery method of this course will be communicated in a timely fashion. If it becomes necessary to move this course completely online, any changes will be communicated to the students via [identify communication platform]. [Insert any additional language about your communication plan.]
AccessibleDU: Student Disability Services is committed to providing equitable opportunities to all students in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other applicable laws. SDS helps to facilitate student participation by approving and providing accommodations at no extra cost for any student who has a documented disability. SDS support a range of potentially helpful accommodations; if you believe you would benefit from accommodations, please contact the SDS office to learn more and begin the process when you are ready.
Learn how to apply for accommodations and how the approval process works on the SDS website. Reach out to SDS at 303-871-7432,, or by their office at Driscoll Center South, Garden Level, Suite 22 from Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm.
DU does not have a campus-wide policy for how AI technology is managed at the course level.
Our friends who teach languages have been grappling with similar technologies for a while. Thank you to Kathleen Guerra, Teaching Assistant Professor of Spanish and Second Year Coordinator, who shared this language with us. Have one to share? Contact
All work submitted in this course must be your own and produced exclusively for this course. The use of sources (ideas, quotations, paraphrases) must be properly acknowledged and documented. We expect that all students will complete their coursework to the best of their abilities. Under no circumstances should resources like google translate or other online translation sites be used to complete course work. We consider this cheating and you will not receive credit for the assignment. Some evidence of cheating may include: the inclusion of more advanced grammatical constructions not studied in our or previous courses, hyperlinks of words copied and pasted from online dictionaries, and/or other passages copied or modified from outside sources.
The only material necessary to complete assignments is that previously covered in the first-year sequence. In general, you should not use any outside resources without permission from your instructor. They will help you learn about how to use these responsibly; typically, online dictionaries such as are acceptable, while translators (e.g. Google Translate), AI (e.g. ChatGPT), or seeking help from more advanced Spanish speakers other than those in the CWLC’s tutoring program will be considered plagiarism. Offending students will be reported per university policy.
In this course, you will work with other students on several in-class assignments. You are welcome to work together to discuss other homework assignments. However, you will not be permitted to turn in the same (or highly similar) answers for work designed to be completed on your own. In this case, neither student will receive credit for the assignment. Further action may be taken, if necessary. For the consequences of violating the Academic Misconduct policy, refer to the University of Denver website on the Honor Code ( See also for general information about conduct expectations from the Office of Student Conduct.
Articulating what constitutes “help” and “cheating” can also be effective. From Rachel Walsh Chair of the Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures.
ASSISTANCE: Some students have difficulty deciding what constitutes “help” and what constitutes “cheating.” Asking a friend for assistance with a particularly difficult point, discussing an assignment together after you have completed it, using online aids, can all constitute legitimate assistance under proper circumstances and unless the instructor has indicated otherwise. Working on individual assignments together, sharing answers, asking friends to complete assignments for you, using on-line instant translators to write compositions, constitutes cheating. For more information about the Academic Misconduct policy at DU, please refer to the Honor Code at
Additional sample syllabus statement, and other AI resources, Policies Related to ChatGPT and Other AI Tools and Classroom Policies for AI Generative Tools include sample policies across disciplines and institutions.
As in any in-person course, attendance and participation are important for a mastery of the course material. However, I understand that life circumstances can prevent students from being able to attend every class. Therefore, I have set aside [insert number] excused absences for all students to use in order to manage personal emergencies, wellness, disability, child care, etc. I don’t expect communication regarding your reason for missing class, as it may be personal in nature. If you have an approved accommodation of Adjusted Attendance from AccessibleDU: Student Disability Services, please email me to discuss the best way to set up your unique engagement with the learning goals of the class.
In the pre-class survey, you can let me know about expected absences due to religious holidays or other personal conflicts with class time. During the first week of class, we will discuss how to access course materials and make up class activities for any absences. If your circumstances require you to exceed this number of excused absences, please contact me to discuss whether you are able to effectively meet the learning goals of the course or if you need to consider a reduced course load, a course withdrawal or a medical leave of absence.
While an online course does not require physical attendance, active engagement and participation is necessary to successfully meet the learning outcomes. As such, students are expected to:
- attend all synchronous Zoom sessions as outlined in the course calendar. Any in-person or Zoom sessions should be approached in the same way you would a traditional in-person class. Please communicate any absences to the instructor in advance, when possible.
- complete all assignments by the due date
- actively participate in class discussions.
- log on at least X times a week
In addition to these standards of participation, the instructor may use Canvas analytics to track your interaction with course materials, assignments, and other aspects of the course.
You can seek confidential substance use services on campus at the Center for Collegiate Recovery. If you are curious about the misuse of substances or having a problem with alcohol and other drugs, contact the DU Collegiate Recovery Program for recovery meetings, recovery housing, recovery coaching, harm reduction, and sober events:
Thank you to Dr. Katherine Tennis (Teaching Assistant Professor; Director of the Undergraduate Research Program, Korbel) for sharing this language with the OTL!
The format of this course may be slightly different from what you are accustomed to, so please read the following information very closely. This course will take place entirely online. There will be both “synchronous” (live) and “asynchronous” (on your own time) components of the course.
- Synchronous component: We will meet via the Zoom platform [number of times] per week at [time] in order to hold “live” (synchronous) class sessions. These meetings are required and I will take attendance.
- Please note that all times are noted in Mountain Standard Time (MST). You are responsible for calculating any time zone differences if you are away from campus and making sure that you make it into our online Zoom classroom on time.
- Asynchronous component: You will also have [required course components such as: pre-recorded lectures, podcasts, and readings that you are expected to complete before our synchronous session every week. These will all be made available to you via the Canvas platform and are organized into weekly modules.
- Assignments: All assignments will also be completed asynchronously (on your own time).
- Please note once again that all deadlines are posted in Mountain Standard Time (MST), and you are responsible for calculating any time zone changes if you are away from campus in order to get your work submitted on time.
The course will use the following technologies extensively. Please prepare accordingly.
- Canvas: All course materials and asynchronous work will be available through Canvas. Please be sure that you are able to access Canvas, and that all mails that I send through Canvas are getting to an inbox that you check regularly.
- 24/7 Technical support for Canvas: 1-855-712-9770
- Zoom: Our synchronous class sessions will be held via Zoom. Zoom is an interface for creating real-time meetings online. Please be sure to download Zoom prior to our first live session and test it to be sure it is working.
- 24/7 Technical support for Zoom: 888-799-9666, Ext 2
AccessibleDU: Student Disability Services (SDS; note the name change) is committed to providing equitable opportunities to all students in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other applicable laws. SDS helps to facilitate student participation by approving and providing accommodations at no extra cost for any student who has a documented disability. SDS support a range of potentially helpful accommodations; if you believe you would benefit from accommodations, please contact the SDS office to learn more and begin the process when you are ready. Learn how to apply for accommodations and how the approval process works on the SDS website. Reach out to SDS at 303-871-7432,, or by their office at Driscoll Center South, Garden Level, Suite 22 from Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm.
As part of its commitment to diversity and Inclusive Excellence, the University provides reasonable accommodations for students’ sincerely held religious beliefs or practices unless the University determines that such an accommodation would fundamentally alter the curriculum or academic program. Students are expected to examine the course syllabus for potential conflicts with religious beliefs or practices, and submit the Religious Accommodation Request webform to seek accommodation. [Requests for absences from an internship or externship, field placement, or other practical learning experience outside the classroom will be assessed on an individual, case-by-case basis in consultation with the University placement supervisor and the field placement supervisor.] Students who have conflicts with the overall class or experience schedule, such as the time and date the class is offered, are encouraged to find an alternative section for the class. For the link to the process and to learn more about spiritual and religious inclusivity work at DU, visit Spiritual Life at DU.
The university has a large network of student success and support resources available to you, and I encourage you to take advantage of this network of support when you need it. As your professor, I want you to have the tools you need to succeed – therefore, if I notice that you are struggling or if I haven’t seen or heard from you for a period of time, I may message you with suggestions for ways to connect to appropriate resources. I ask that you respond to this outreach, and any other outreach you receive from someone at DU, whether or not you plan to use the support – responding to outreach/offers of support is an important skill to build.
All work submitted in this course must be your own and produced exclusively for this course. The use of sources (ideas, quotations, paraphrases) must be properly acknowledged and documented. For the consequences of violating the Academic Misconduct policy, refer to the University of Denver website on the Honor Code (
View more samples at: Honor Code Abstract Samples for Faculty Use in Syllabi
The Learning Effectiveness Program (LEP) is an academic resource for students at the University of Denver who have a diagnosed learning difference. The support resources that LEP offers include an assigned Academic Counselor, tutoring support, executive functioning specialist, and peer mentoring. Enrollment in LEP is done via an online application with documentation that supports your learning difference. LEP resources are offered as a fee-for-service model; there are limited full and partial scholarships available.
(developed by the Faculty Senate)
In this class, we will work together to develop a learning community that is inclusive and respectful. Our diversity may be reflected by differences in race, culture, age, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, and myriad other social identities and life experiences. The goal of inclusiveness, in a diverse community, encourages and appreciates expressions of different ideas, opinions, and beliefs, so that conversations and interactions that could potentially be divisive turn instead into opportunities for intellectual and personal enrichment.
A dedication to inclusiveness requires respecting what others say, their right to say it, and the thoughtful consideration of others’ communication. Both speaking up and listening are valuable tools for furthering thoughtful, enlightening dialogue. Respecting one another’s individual differences is critical in transforming a collection of diverse individuals into an inclusive, collaborative and excellent learning community. Our core commitment shapes our core expectation for behavior inside and outside of the classroom.
A critical part of building a learning environment that is inclusive of sexual orientation and gender identity is asking and correctly using someone’s name and pronouns. You can add your pronouns in your Banner profile through MyDU so that we can refer to you using the correct pronouns. If your pronoun set is not available in Banner, please let me know so that I can use the correct pronouns for you. Preferred names and pronouns may change during the term, so feel free at any point to let me know that you would like to be addressed differently. As a community, we will strive to address each other with the names and pronouns identified in Canvas. If we make mistakes or are corrected, we will briefly apologize and correct ourselves. To learn more about personal pronouns and why they are important, please visit the “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity” module on the Office of Teaching and Learning website. For student resources, please visit the “Gender and Sexuality” section on the DU Cultural Center’s website.
As part of the University’s Culture of Care & Support we provide campus resources to create access for you to maintain your safety, health, and well-being. We understand that as a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug concerns, depression, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These stressful moments can impact academic performance or reduce your ability to engage. The University offers services to assist you with addressing these or ANY other concerns you may be experiencing. If you or someone you know are suffering from any challenges, you should reach out for support. You can seek confidential mental health services available on campus in the Health & Counseling Center (HCC). Another helpful campus office is Student Outreach & Support (SOS), where staff work with you to connect to all the appropriate campus resources (there are many!), develop a plan of action, and guide you in navigating challenging situations. If you are concerned about yourself and/or one of your peers you can send a SOS referral.
More information about HCC and SOS can be found at:
The Center for Advocacy, Prevention, and Empowerment (CAPE) provides advocacy and support services to all student, staff, and faculty survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment. They also offer consultation and resources to people who are supporting a survivor. All services are confidential and free of charge. For assistance during business hours, call 303-871-3853. You can also email For assistance after hours to speak to a mental health counselor on-call, please call 303-871-2205.
Access to the Internet can be a valuable aid to the classroom learning environment. You may be encouraged to use a laptop, smartphone, or other devices to explore concepts related to course discussions and in-class activities. Keep in mind, however, that these technologies can be distracting – not only for you but to others in the class. Please avoid the temptation of social media, texting, or other off-topic diversions. Please review Restriction of Audio or Visual Recordings below.
At the University of Denver, we protect the intellectual property of all our faculty, and safeguard the privacy of all our students in online learning environments. To this end, students may not record, reproduce, screenshot, photograph, or distribute any video, audio, or visual content from their online courses. This restriction includes but is not limited to:
- Pre-recorded and live lectures
- Live discussions
- Discussion boards
- Simulations
- Posted course materials
- Faculty feedback forms
- Visual materials that accompany lectures/discussions, such as slides
- Virtual whiteboard notes/equations, etc.
As we engage in online learning as an academic community, it is imperative to be respectful of all. Keep in mind that if any student is identifiable in an online class recording, this may constitute a violation of the educational record protections provided under FERPA.
Students with disabilities who need to record classroom lectures or discussions must contact the Disability Services Program to register, request, and be approved for an accommodation. All students are advised that students may tape classroom activities for this purpose. Such recordings are to be used solely for individual or group study with other students enrolled in the class that quarter/semester. They may not be reproduced, shared in any way (including electronically or posting in any web environment) with those not in the class in that quarter.
Students who violate this policy will be reported to The Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities and may be subject to both legal sanctions for violations of copyright law and disciplinary action under Student Rights & Responsibilities Policies.
Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers.
In this course, we are going to use Digication, DU’s ePortfolio platform, to create our own ePortfolios. To be able to access our Digication course, including any shared templates, groups, or assignments, you must first enter Digication through our Canvas course. To do this, navigate to the “Digication” option on our Canvas course navigation menu and click the link. You will log on to Digication using your Single Sign On (SSO) credentials—your DU email address and password. If you are having issues with logging on, please contact the IT Help Center. For help using Digication, please refer to their Student Guide, which contains step-by-step how-to’s.
It is your responsibility to procure reliable, readily-accessible Internet service in order to fulfill course expectations. I am under no obligation to accept late assignments or waive required tasks (e.g., discussion participation) due to lack of online access or malfunctioning computer hardware. Please consider identifying an alternative Internet source in case of technical problems. Look here for a list of computer labs on the DU campus. Computer support is available from the Information Technology (IT) Help Center.
If you are a student-athlete, you should inform me of any class days to be missed due to DU sponsored varsity athletic events in which you are participating. Please provide me with an absence policy form by the end of the first week of class. You will need to make up any missed lectures, assignments, and/or exams.
The University Libraries Research Center ( answers research questions seven days a week by phone, email, in-person, chat/IM or text. One-on-one research consultations in the Anderson Academic Commons are also available on a drop-in basis or by appointment. Consultations help students at any stage of the research process, from refining a topic, to finding books and articles, to creating a bibliography. The Research Center can also assist students with finding images, audio recordings, and videos for course projects. Telephone and Zoom video consultations are also available by request for distance students. Ask a question or make an appointment by calling 303-871-2905 or visiting Over 99% of the students who have visited the Research Center report they would recommend the Research Center to a friend or classmate.
For Face-to-Face Courses
The Writing Center provides writing support for undergraduate and graduate students at all levels, on all kinds of projects, and at any stage of the process: from generating ideas to learning new editing strategies. Consultants take a collaborative approach, working with you to help you develop your writing in light of your specific goals and assignments. To make an appointment for a free, 45-minute consultation, call 303-871-7456 or go to MyWeb > Student > Writing Center. Visit our website ( ) for hours and additional information.
For Online Courses
The Writing Center provides online writing support for graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in online courses at all levels, on all kinds of projects, and at any stage of the process: from generating ideas to learning new editing strategies. In our Zoom video conferences, consultants take a collaborative approach, working with you to help you develop your writing in light of your specific goals and assignments. To make an appointment for a free, 45-minute Zoom consultation, call 303-871-7456 or go to MyWeb > Student > Writing Center. Visit our website ( for hours and additional information.
This course has been designed to transition online should the need arise due to campus closure or my unexpected absence. To that end, Canvas will be utilized to support this course. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the Canvas container for this course as soon as the term begins.
Updates that affect the delivery method of this course will be communicated in a timely fashion. If it becomes necessary to move this course online, any changes will be communicated to you via [identify communication platform]. [Insert any additional language about your communication plan.]