The resources listed here can help you make quick adaptations, or, serve as a starting point for integrating Canvas and other available technology into your courses. Each DU course is already set up with a Canvas shell that you can activate at any time! Need more assistance? Our Instructional Designers are ready to help, please feel free to schedule a 1:1.
- In the event that you need to teach a course online, there are a variety of ways you can complete typical classroom tasks in a virtual environment
- Canvas course container should have the minimum course materials.
- Addressing Zoom expectations and webcam usage can vary, read more about camera usage or lack thereof in our blog “Teaching into the Abyss”.
- Check out our DU Teaching Toolkit for in-depth information about Canvas, Planning, Development and Delivery Methods for your course.
General Principles
- Prepare for working remotely: Do you have access to all the resources you will need if you must shift from your physical office to a virtual one? Set up Zoom, Canvas, and ensure you can access any other tools like DU portfolio. Do you have a device with a good internet connection, webcam, and microphone?
- Consult with your department: What departmental or unit requirements or supports are in place? Who is your local Canvas administrator? If you are responding to a campus-wide closure, your department may have more details or want class changes handled in a uniform way.
- Communicate with student and set expectations: Do this early and frequently! Be sure to set up structures that allow for easy updates and communicate your presence even if it is a virtual one. Let students know how you plan to communicate with them. Will you be using traditional email or Canvas? How will you let them know if due dates or activities have changed?
- Focus on learning outcomes: if an unexpected closure or absence means that activities need to be adjusted, ensure they are moving students toward the desired learning outcomes. Avoid busy work.
- Prioritize and rearrange if necessary: focus on the activities that have the most significant impact on student learning. And, be flexible with rearranging certain activities if necessary.
All Things ZOOM
- Learn more about Zoom class meetings, how to use your DU login account, and more.
- Tips for managing multiple student Zoom presentations. Create Instructional Videos, whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced user.
- Visit our Zoom Ed-Tech Knowledge Base for all Zoom questions.
Assessments & Presentations
- Student presentations are a great way to gauge mastery of knowledge. Learn more about tools and methods available for your students to present online.
- Are you planning to have several student groups present their final projects via ZOOM or Kaltura? Take a look at different synchronous and asynchronous opportunities.
- How to assess creativity with online presentations? Find out more.
- Need ideas for student video activities? There are many types of video activities to help students demonstrate their knowledge, skills, creativity, and teamwork – check them out here!
- Accessibility in online presentations is now easier than ever, enable automatic captions or subtitles in PowerPoint or Kaltura.
Engagement & Discussions
- Creating engaging online discussions, using different types of modalities. Learn how to encourage student to student interactions in an effective, engaging manner in online environments.

Student Absences, Accommodations & Wellness
- During these coming weeks, it important to keep the mental health of you and your students at the forefront. Please review the blog post “Taking care of ourselves and others” from Chancellor Dr. Jeremy Haefner, as well as our blog “Teaching Through a Pandemic: Cognitive Load, Mental Health amd Learning Under Stress”.
- Need sample syllabus statements? Find them here.
- Do you have students who need academic accommodations related to COVID-19? Please encourage them to contact the Disability Services Program (DSP).
- Staff and faculty should contact the Benefits Director/ADA Coordinator, Lloyd Moore, in Human Resources to request accommodations associated with a disability or medical condition.
- Students can seek confidential mental health services available on campus in the Health & Counseling Center (HCC) and My Student Support System (My SSP). Another helpful campus office is Student Outreach & Support (SOS), where staff work with students to connect to all the appropriate campus resources (there are many!), develop a plan of action, and guide them in navigating challenging situations. If you are concerned about a student, you can send an SOS referral. More information about HCC, MY SSP, and SOS can be found at:
- During Fall of 2020, all DU classes were required to provide final assessments online. Winter and Spring terms will not have standalone finals weeks, so you may need to make adjustments to your course schedule or adjust the format of your finals. We know that making the change to distance delivery for finals in a short period of time can be a stressful undertaking. Learn more about moving your finals exams online here.
- Thinking about using Lockdown Browser for your exams? Take a look at the video below and check out the Instructor Quick Start Guide, for information on both Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor.
- Webcam Tips – For the Respondus Monitor option, make sure to let your students know that an adequate amount of lighting should be used during testing, and that they have a functional webcam.
- Read more about Inclusivity concerns around face identification software, people of color and technology disparities.
Peer Teaching Mentors
- Peer Mentors are faculty across campus with an interest in providing personalized, peer-to-peer teaching support as we collectively navigate pressing topics around teaching off and on-line, including the many challenges that the pandemic has presented for our pedagogy.
- We recommend looking through our vast list of Peer Mentors, and sign up for a session using the following Google document sign up sheet, or contact Dr. Lina Reznicek-Parrado for more information at lina.reznicek-parrado@du.edu.

Planning ahead for a new quarter
- Identify plans early: Consider addressing emergencies and expectations up front in your syllabus, so students know what will happen if classes are cancelled, including procedures you will implement. Consider doing this each quarter, so you are ready in case of an emergency.
- Send a welcome email: At the beginning of the quarter, send your students a welcome email that includes your contact information. Suggest they hold on to the message until the end of the course in case they need to get in touch with you.
- Activate your Zoom account and introduce students to the tool: Consider having a short, optional Zoom session early in the quarter to help familiarize students in case you need this tool later.
- Replace physical resources with digital resources where possible. Digitize readings and upload handouts. Aside from contingency planning, this is a good habit to adopt for creating a greener classroom.
- Start the quarter “contingency-ready”:
Minimally, instructors should consider doing the following in Canvas:
- Post your syllabus
- Create assignments to accept student work
- Use the grade book
- Post readings and handouts
Did you know that we have 24/7 Canvas support?
Call:- Canvas Support Hotline for Faculty: 1-833-291-3240
- Canvas Support Hotline for Students: 1-855-712-9770
Recent Posts
Resources by Teaching Task
Typically the first order of business when classes are cancelled but must carry on virtually would be communicating your plan to your students. Here are your options for connecting beyond your DU email.
- Canvas
- Canvas Email
- Canvas Announcements
If you need to hold a lecture from a distance, there are synchronous (live/interactive) and asynchronous (pre-recorded) options for doing so. Both options allow you to show your screen or lecture slides.
- DU Teaching Tool Kit
- Online Teaching and Learning Glossary
- Kaltura (asynchronous)
- Zoom (synchronous)
- Canvas (asynchronous)
If you need to provide access to your syllabus, share assignment requirements or rubrics, or push out any other files to your students while away from campus, there are options to help.
If you need to hold a discussion among small or large groups, here are the ways that can be facilitated.
If an assignment was due on a day where classes are cancelled, here are your options for accepting their work virtually.
Canvas Quizzes provide various options for accommodating students:
- Providing a student a different due date and/or quiz time
- Giving a student extra attempts
- Giving a student extra time
For exams, DSP is available to assist.
Call first: (303.871.3241) Also email, (dsp@du.edu) and you can also schedule to meet via Zoom.
DU uses Kurzweil, which provides literacy solutions, tools and training for those with learning differences and challenges, or people with blindness or partially sighted. Students should email dsp@du.edu to get an account.
Respondus is a lockdown browser that restricts access during test taking to curtail use of unauthorized resources. the Respondus Student Quick Start Guide.
- If you are using Respondus for your exams, it is not compatible with Kurzweil. There is an alternate software, NDVA, The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) provides some of the best YouTube NVDA Tutorials but tutorials are also available on the AFB webpage Learn NVDA. Those preferring a text guide can access the NVDA User Guide as well.
- Respondus and Mac Users: Mac version of LockDown Browser works with VoiceOver (the standard screen reader that comes with the Mac OS). LockDown Browser’s functions and security remain the same when VoiceOver is used. Be sure you are using LockDown Browser version or newer.
Without the proper equipment, labs can be difficult to reproduce in a distance setting. Below are a few recommendations for making this work during a campus closure.
- Take part of the lab online: Many lab activities require students to become familiar with certain procedures, and only physical practice of those processes will do. In such cases, consider if there are other parts of the lab experience you could take online (for example, video demonstrations of techniques, online simulations, analysis of data, other pre- or post-lab work), and save the physical practice parts of the labs until access is restored. The quarter might get disjointed by splitting up lab experiences, but it might get you through a short campus closure.
- Investigate virtual labs: Online resources and virtual tools might help replicate the experience of some labs (for example, virtual dissection, night sky apps, video demonstrations of labs, simulations). Those vary widely by discipline, but check with your textbook publisher for materials that might help replace parts of your lab during an emergency. Explore online options like Chem Collective.
- Provide raw data for analysis: In cases where the lab includes both collection of data and its analysis, consider showing how the data can be collected, and then provide some raw sets of data for students to analyze. This approach is not as comprehensive as having students collect and analyze their own data, but it might keep them engaged with parts of the lab experience during the closure. See the Open Science Framework for research projects around the world and access to open data sets.
- Use the Quiz tool in Canvas to create an exam or quiz.
- Add questions to your exam or quiz.
- Activate Respondus Lockdown Browser for your quiz
See this resource for a video introduction to the Canvas gradebook.
Password Resets – through IT
IT phone number – 303-871-4700
Telecommuting Resources at DU – this is an IT curated list of resources and links for everything from accessing email and voicemail to document collaboration
Community Engagement and Remote Teaching: Reflections and Resources – Faculty across campus and the country are working to adapt courses for remote learning – including many of us teaching community-engaged courses. At this time of transition, our colleagues at the Center for Community Engagement to Advance Scholarship and Learning (CCESL) offer some reflections and resources to support remote community-engaged teaching.
OTL Canvas page – this is a good overview of the basics of getting started
Learning Canvas course – this is a LinkedIn Learning overview of Canvas. It is broken up into chapters so faculty can skip to the information they need at the moment. They will have to log-in to LinkedIn Learning with their DU credentials.
Canvas Instructor Guides – these are step-by-step guides created by Canvas. They include screenshots, and are also broken up into chapters so that they can jump to what they need. You can also access a pdf version.
Textbooks through DU Bookstore
Textbooks available through the DU bookstore can be delivered by mail to students not staying on campus. The DU Libraries are not able to procure textbooks for students.
Electronic Resources
The Libraries has a vast collection of online journal articles and ebooks, and we urge you to use our licensed electronic resources whenever possible, even if this means substituting one resource for another. Many of the Libraries’ articles, videos, and e-books are available online. Search Compass from the main library page or view our complete list of databases. The majority of online library articles and ebooks have a stable URL which can be included in your Canvas course. For more information on how to find stable URLs for articles and ebooks, please see our Off Campus Research guide. For directions on adding links in Canvas, please see the guides provided by the Office of Teaching and Learning.
We can help you determine whether your assigned readings are available electronically and/or explore alternatives. Please contact your subject librarian for help with this. Also, please know that the Libraries will continue to build robust collections in print, and formats you’ve deemed best for your discipline, once this emergency is past us.
Many publishers are making additional electronic content available for free. A national list is being compiled, and we are working to collate these resources and provide them to you in a more useful way.
Reserves through the Libraries
The Electronic Reserves service provides online access to course materials such as articles, book chapters, and other electronic documents. Enrolled students and faculty may access course materials online at any time of day. Electronic reserves are posted in Canvas via a link to the library’s e-reserve system, Leganto.
Since not all materials are available online, the Fair Use exception to US Copyright law allows us to digitize some materials for educational purposes. Please see the Libraries guidelines on Fair Use for more information. Under normal circumstances, we are restricted in the amount of material that we may digitize for courses. However, we have consulted a copyright attorney, and believe that in this particular moment, because we are in an emergency situation that has forced all of us to radically change the way we provide instruction, we can adopt a far more liberal interpretation of fair use. The fair use factors are always weighed based upon the circumstances, and under these current and very unique circumstances, we can be more aggressive in asserting that the scales weigh in favor of fair use. And with respect to the fair use factor regarding the “amount and substantiality of the work used,” the current unique circumstances give rise to a credible argument that we can assert fair use exists for a greater amount of the work being used than is typically acceptable. This will allow us to, as a last resort, digitize more of a work than we would typically.
If you are unable to find online alternative materials for your course, please submit a course reserves request as soon as possible to reserve@du.edu. Please provide us with a list of the resources needed for your Spring Quarter course. We will work with you to determine how much printed material we are able to scan, if an online resource is not available.
We will prioritize requests by following these guidelines.
- We will only process course material requests for essential, core readings, not supplemental materials for Spring Quarter.
- We will only provide course materials for items which we already own in print or electronic format or items that may be purchased quickly in an online format.
- Any digitized materials that fall outside our usual Fair Use Guidelines will only be available during Spring Quarter while courses are temporarily online and cannot be reused in other quarters.
- We are not able to digitize DVDs in this process but can provide consultation for finding existing streaming media and work-arounds for your course. Please see this page for more information about our streaming collections. Lamont School of Music Faculty: Please copy musiclibrary@du.edu on any Reserves requests.
Please be aware that digitization takes a large amount of time and requires physical access to both materials and digitization equipment. We are constrained by limited staffing and restrictions that inhibit our ability to work on campus. Our goal is to balance the educational needs of faculty and students along with the need to protect the health and safety of our staff.
The Libraries already have an existing and robust virtual service delivery model with a host of online services and resources. We have been working continuously to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak and we invite you to visit our DU Libraries and COVID-19 webpage for continuing updates on library services, operations, and collections.